Thursday, November 4, 2010

My first outfit!

Good morning!

So, I know how first impressions are really important, but honestly I didn't want to over do it. After all not all of us can be Anna dello Russo (Not that I would mind having her large collection of shoes). But still.
I have several things for today, so I have a change of outfit in the afternoon. For the morning I'm wearing tight blue jeans that I rolled up to give a relaxed and summerish look. I love shirt-dresses. I bought this one when summer clothes invaded town (August!) and I used it during winter. But now that Spring is here, it's time I wore it lightly.
My shoes are peep toe wedges with a flower at the end, and I am going easy on accessories for now. Not that I accessorize too much, but you know how Rachel Zoe says in her book... But, what do you thing of my Bambi necklace?

I'm barely wearing any make up, because it's such a horrible day, and I have to wear mascara at night (I like my make up fresh).

Do you like my outfit? What would you change about it?



  1. first post EVER goes to ME!

    love the outfit, would switch the belt for a black one with a bronze buckle.
    cheers and good luck!

  2. oh muy god! I love!!! beautiful outfit!!!

    Good luck with this new blog

  3. Thanks girls!!! :D

    I see your point C, but I used the silk one because it gives the look a soft touch, a black belt might be a nice idea too, for the evening maybe.


Betsy's Fashion Style